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Sunday Checklist for Business Owners: Setting Up for a Successful Week Ahead

Posted September 15, 2024

As a business owner, Sundays offer the perfect opportunity to pause, reflect, and get prepared for the upcoming week. While weekends should include some much-needed rest and relaxation, dedicating a bit of time to plan for the week ahead can significantly boost productivity, minimize stress, and set both you and your team up for success.

Here’s a Sunday checklist that can help you hit the ground running when Monday arrives:

1. Review Team Goals 

Start by reviewing your team’s progress toward their current goals. Are you on track to meet your weekly or monthly targets? Take note of any roadblocks, and identify areas where the team may need extra support or guidance. Setting clear, realistic goals keeps everyone aligned and ensures your team remains focused on what matters most.

Pro Tip: Share the updated goals with your team first thing Monday morning. This sets a clear direction for the week and helps everyone stay on the same page.

2. Check in with Your Employees 

While it’s tempting to dive straight into tasks, remember that your business’s most important asset is your people. Use Sundays to plan how you’ll check in with your employees during the week. Whether it’s a quick chat, a formal meeting, or just sending out a positive message to start their week, these touchpoints can boost morale and open the door for honest feedback.

Regular check-ins can help you:

  • Address any concerns employees may have.
  • Stay informed about team dynamics.
  • Recognize individual contributions and maintain high engagement.

Pro Tip: Make it a point to ask your team about their well-being, not just their performance.

3. Plan for Flexibility 

Business plans can be detailed and thorough, but things don’t always go as expected. That’s why it’s important to build flexibility into your week. Take some time on Sunday to anticipate potential challenges and develop contingency plans. This could include identifying projects that may require additional time, resources, or a shift in priorities.

Embracing flexibility doesn’t mean abandoning structure—it means recognizing that agility is key to staying resilient. By doing this, you can respond swiftly to changes without losing momentum.

Pro Tip: Keep your team in the loop about any anticipated changes or flexibility in the schedule. Transparency ensures everyone is prepared for whatever comes up.

4. Prioritize Self-Care and Balance 

Being a business owner is demanding, and it’s easy to get caught up in the non-stop hustle. But Sunday is also a time to recharge your own batteries. Be intentional about taking time for self-care and ensuring balance in your week. Whether it’s scheduling time for a workout, reading, or simply relaxing, make sure you have moments that help you reset.

When you take care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to lead your team with energy and focus.

5. Organize Your Calendar and To-Do List

A well-organized schedule can make all the difference in how your week unfolds. Use Sunday to review your calendar, block out time for important tasks, and prioritize what needs your attention. Are there any meetings you can streamline or reschedule to free up time for more strategic work? Organizing your week in advance will help you start Monday with clarity and confidence.

Pro Tip: Use tools like Google Calendar, Asana, or Trello to stay organized and collaborate with your team efficiently.

Wrapping Up: How Do You Prep for the Week?

Every business owner has their own approach to preparing for the week ahead. Some focus on deep strategic planning, while others take a more relaxed approach, focusing on minor adjustments. The key is finding what works for you and your team to keep momentum moving forward.

Do you have any Sunday prep rituals that help you feel organized and ready to take on the week? I’d love to hear your tips in the comments!

By taking some time each Sunday to check in with your goals, employees, and overall plan, you can reduce overwhelm and make sure your week is both productive and flexible. Remember: Preparation is the foundation for success.

Lettice Mayfield
Senior HR Consultant
Resourceology360, LLC

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